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Christian Surfers International
Mine or His
Couple weeks ago, my two-and-a-half-year-old son came home armed with a new word. We were playing on the floor with his toy cars until next minute he grabbed my toy car and said, ‘mine’.
Whenever my son arms himself with a new word, generally, kindergarten is to blame. In the Kindergarten arena where resources are scarce and crying children aplenty, the word ‘mine’ is a bazooka on the battlefield."
But Jesus said: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
<<Read the full article here>>
We are stoked to announce that the funds raised for Project Zoe have crossed the halfway mark! Thank you to everyone that has so generously donated!
Total raised: US$ 2683.00
Goal: US$ 5200.00
Total remaining: US$ 2417.00
With little time left to reach the goal, our Groundswell Aid community has been creating a swell of impact that will help Projecto Zoe keep their safe space, but we still need your support. Click Here to donate.

20 March 2024
One Accord update and response
Early in January 2024 Time2RiseSA initiated a process called “In One Accord” whereby we invited Christian political parties to join hands to demonstrate unity around a set of core Biblical values. The aim was to unite and rally the Christian vote behind parties that openly represent their values and principles, as a basis for establishing a righteous government. Since Christians are the majority group in South Africa, we still believe this is a feasible objective and, in fact, if only 12 million Christians can stand together to vote for these parties, we could even have a 2/3 majority which would enable us to change the Constitution and rescind and overturn immoral legislation. The idea is not for these parties to form a coalition at this stage, but to publically stand together, collaborate and win the Christian vote. Whether 12 million vote for one party or for seven parties, the totality of the seats won could result in the formation of a new, God-fearing government.
Time2RiseSA, represented by the two of us, met with seven Christian political parties on 16 February 2024 in Pretoria. They were: ACDP, ACO, ARA, Arise SA, AACUM, GSA, and #Hope4SA.
Though we had good discussions, not all the parties decided to be part of the One Accord. The ACDP and ARA withdrew. ACO did not qualify to register for the 2024 Elections, so they joined the ACDP. AACUM also didn’t register for the Elections and didn’t proceed with the One Accord process. The parties remaining as part of the One Accord are: Arise SA, #Hope4SA and _GSA (God Save Africa)._ The latter joined forces with #Hope4SA because they also couldn’t register for the elections. Time2RiseSA is a Kingdom nation-building movement and NOT a political party. As a movement, we want to express our appreciation to all the parties that participated in the process, and especially to those that remained part of the One Accord. We fully support you.
Since the One Accord is a Time2RiseSA initiative, we naturally support those part of it in pursuit of seeing a righteous government established. We’ll be working hand in hand and partnering with them on some mobilisation initiatives. However, that does NOT mean we only support those three parties (effectively two, on the voting list). We support ALL parties standing for Biblical values. We encourage our members to vote for Christian parties that represent their values – including those not part of the One Accord. Everyone is free to make their own decision. THE GOAL we set before all Christians in South Africa is to garner 12 million votes for Christian parties. Let’s all mobilise other Christians to VOTE OUR VALUES in what is maybe the most important election!
Lastly, Time2RiseSA expresses its sincere appreciation to the ACDP for their public apology and retraction of negative statements made towards Time2RiseSA in their February 27, 2024 Family Livestream Show on YouTube. We’ve had frank but fruitful discussions with them on this matter, just as the Bible teaches us. May this set the tone for all Christian organisations and churches because our UNITY is vital for changing South Africa. We need each other now more than ever!
May the Lord bless you and keep you,
Dr Arno van Niekerk & Dr Pearl Kupe

The latest newsletter from the Peacockes and Independent Faith Mission can be downloaded in pdf format by clicking on the button below

Dear brothers & sisters in Christ,
We are very excited about the year that lies ahead. Despite all the uncertainty (local & global) we know FOR SURE that God's Kingdom is advancing (Matt 11:12) and the gates of hell will not prevail against His church/ecclesia (Matt 16:18). So we enter this year with FAITH, not fear. Our eyes are on Jesus, not on the storm.
Time2RiseSA is shifting gears this year as our Prayer Circles, Action Teams, Revival groups and our Kingdom networks across SA multiply and move into action. Be part of this expansion! Join our Facebook group and see the website for all info.
Time2Rise events, gatherings and initiatives are increasing. We also trust God for a miracle in the upcoming Elections. We all want to see a righteous government lead South Africa. PRAY for that and also MAKE SURE you are registered to vote.
❗ THIS WEEKEND (3-4 Feb) is the last chance to register for the Election at an IEC tent in your area. Get all your family, friends and colleagues registered! The time is NOW! Hope is rising❗
Lastly, I want to thank each one of you for your faithful financial support to Time2RiseSA. We have lots of travel expenses and other costs, so each contribution (even R100) helps a lot!
Our bank details are:
Cheque Acc: 63054430938
Branch code: 210835
Standard Bank
Cheque Acc no.: 020658907
Branch code: 051001
May the Lord bless you as we all continue His work in this beautiful country🇿🇦
Arno van Niekerk
T2R Visionary

Please find below additional information from Tracy at 4The1 and SIM.
The first button will start the download of the August newsletter in pdf form, the second button will download a Prayer card in pdf form.

Dear Prayer Partners,
Thank you for “Pray[ing] without ceasing” 1 Thess 5:17.
- That we have a God, our Heavenly Father, who sees and hears us in all circumstances.
- God that He kept the children of 4THE1 safe during the holidays.
- Fernando, Geneline’s brother, returned home.
- Project Proposal document complete, meeting with the SIM Project Manager next week Wednesday to work through the 5-year budget.
- Our 4THE1 Team attended The Trauma Training at Mountain View, to help us understand trauma and to know that there is hope and healing in Jesus Christ.
- Finally received feedback from the Informal Settlements Department on our request for Sarah to have piece of land to put up her Wendy.
- Katie’s Visa application has been handed in. She will receive feedback in the next 4-6 weeks.
- Thankful to God for the spiritual growth in the children and how they are living out being followers of Jesus in their homes and school environment.
- For increased personal support over the past few months.
- My doctor has done some tests and we are trying to find the root cause of my recurring illnesses.
- For the Lord’s protection in a dangerous situation after our programme on Tuesday.
- The safety and protection of children of 4THE1 as they are faced with many challenges daily.
- For Fernando, as he reintegrates into the community after his stint in Prison and that God will work in his heart and draw this youngster unto Himself.
- We are submitting a scholarship application (Western Province Preparatory School) for Michael. He is currently in Grade 3 and made a commitment to the Lord in December 2021. He has grown significantly in his faith ever since and follows Jesus wholeheartedly. He is strong academically and loves sport. We have also identified Michael as a leader. He often cares for and brings the younger children in his household to 4THE1. Sadly, his home circumstances are extremely difficult, and this would be a good opportunity for him. We are committing his application to the Lord and asking that His will be done in Michael’s life.
- Pray for the 4THE1 Team as we serve the children, and for additional members to join on Fridays.
- I met with the SIM Finance Department for my annual budget review and there is a shortfall in my personal monthly support. I’m praying that God will provide and that He will raise up more people to partner in the gospel with me in this way, as I humbly continue serving Him in Sir Lowry’s Pass Village.
- That God will grant Katie her visa, so that she can join our team as a full time missionary and that our Father in Heaven will be preparing her heart as she does orientation and training in the USA.
- We need a host family for Katie for the first month of her stay as she looks for suitable accommodation.
Love Tracy
Crossing barriers with love to those living and dying without Christ
If you wish to get into contact with 4THE1, please click here to navigate to our list of missions page.

Grow Strong
Hello friends.
You will need at least 5min to read our update, sorry but not sorry. ☺
As I have processed the first term of 2023 I have had this growing desire to find ways to give God credit, to proclaim His fame and make it all about Him.
I was singing a fun children's song earlier this week and the words, "waves of mercy and waves of grace", just filled me with such gratitude that I want to shout out about His goodness, His grace and mercy.
A friend said I must stop saying; "Marc and I don't know what we are doing", but I still feel that. I still feel like I can't believe that things are ticking over, that the students come every day, that friends volunteer their time... I remain in awe and wonder at our Great King who is holding us in the palm of His hand.
My prayer for us and for each of you, is that you never lose your sense of wonder in God's mercy and grace, giving Him glory for all that He gives and all that He does.
So on that note, let me share some feedback, knowing that you are seeing each of these gifts, achievements and blessings as provided by God the Father.
- We started moving into our new venue on the 5th of January, it needed a lot of work and money to get it ready. A 60m fence was put up, 15m of security bars, 6 glass panes, 50l of paint, about 30 poles were erected for a nursery and a hothouse, 2 gas stoves connected, tables, chairs, shelves donated, 2 containers for storage were dropped off, 10 trees were planted and much much more.
- One of my biggest 'worries' about this year was not only feeding 20 people every day but also the work of cooking the meals. God answered that in His perfect way. A lady on a farm next door drops off a nutritious and delicious stew every Friday. Out of the blue, a local business owner offered to drop off one of his employees twice a week to cook that day's meal and bake bread for the next day. And our wonderful Dutch friends who are visiting provided a pasta meal once a week along with chicken and eggs for the rest of the week.
And so much more, like regular apples and fruit via friends. Pretty amazing hey?!
If I can say one more thing about this, is that I didn't go and share my worry or wishes, the times where I have just left it too God to solve are the times that the solution to the problem is so much more sustainable and real. Let Him be the solution.
- We have 15 boys this year with one of our old boys (19 years old) joining on the days we do Garden Service so that he can earn some money. We have been amazed at how the 6 new students have seemed to catch our heart and have already started acting like family. The days are not untroubled though, there will always be difficult situations to figure out, thank goodness for teammates and the Holy Spirit. Please don't stop praying, it's needed.
- We have seen a huge increase in support in the way of volunteers, our local physio is helping with one of our boys, a business owner has employeed one of our students, the NGK has committed to supporting Grow Strong from April onwards and even our nursery has been well supported this last month.
- I also want to share one last thing that God sorted out for one of our boys. Petrus is a special needs boy, socially awkward, also our only white boy. He has been desperate for a friend. Two weeks ago, he had his first playdate with the son of a teacher at Becks and Ez's school. First playdate in three years since he moved to Grabouw, and it went well. Marc and I wept in delight at God finding a way to give this boys the desires of his heart.
Some prayer requests:
First and foremost, please pray that our students get a revelation of who Jesus is, so that they can turn from the world.
Specifically, please be praying for Zaenty, to find His identity in Christ, to find peace, and to protect our other students from his 'Bad Boy' influence.
Please be praying for Manuel, Aphile, Nathan and Rudi that the hold addiction has over them will be broken.
Please pray for Robin, Ronaldo and Ashwin that they will experience God as a Father that He will be the security they need.
Please pray for Andreo and Joe-el that God will speak truth over them and fill them with a godly confidence as they see who they are in Him and their worth.
Please be praying for the growth of Grow Strong. Our waiting list just keeps growing and we need to figure out how to manage that need.
Lastly to share some other exciting and rather unexpected news. A social worker that placed one of her clients with us and thankfully thinks we are wonderful, is now working part-time at Agape. And so, almost 3 years later, we are getting to see the kids again. Jeanie, Gordon and Sandy are coming to spend a few days at our home this holiday. Please be praying for this time, there are a lot of big feelings involved with our Agape kids from their side and from ours.
I think that's it for now. The short story is that God is at work, we are grateful and we would love your continued prayers as they are a crucial part of what keeps us going.
And if you haven't yet, and are keen to, please come visit. We are just off the N2 behind Peregrines.
Much love,
Brigit & Marc.